Dominican law offers several advantages and benefits to foreigners who wish to establish permanent residence in the Dominican Republic. Applicants must meet a series of requirements established by the Department of Immigration, which vary according to the type of application. Our firm has immigration attorneys who are dedicated exclusively to pursuing and responding quickly to our clients’ immigration cases, offering them prompt and personalized service.

Residence permits in the Dominican Republic are divided into temporary residence and permanent residence. To start the residence application process, the applicant, with the assistance of his or her lawyer, will need to choose the type of residence that best suits his or her personal situation.

Persons granted Dominican resident status, depending on the type of residence, may opt for the benefit of exemption from real estate transfer tax on their first property, and may also bring a container with their personal and household items into the Dominican Republic free of customs duties.

Types of residencies
Family Reunion

This type of residence is applicable only for the applicants that have celebrated civil marriage with a Dominican citizen; the main requirement for this type of request is to present the marriage certificate.

General requirements:

1.- Valid Residence Visa (RS).

2.- Request of Investment Residence Form

3.- Copy of your COMPLETE passport (it must include all pages including those without any stamps).

4.- Four photographs: two front angle and two of the right profile angle, 2×2 size.

5.- ORIGINAL of the Birth Certificate, translated in Spanish, (“both the translation as the original document must be apostilled”

6.- ORIGINAL of the No Criminal Records Certificate, issued by the authority of your country duly translated to Spanish, the certificate must include the fingerprints of the applicant, “both the translation as the original document must be apostilled”.

7.- ORIGINAL of the Medical Certificate in which there is record that the applicant is in good physical and mental health. In consequence, he or she is suitable to initiate the residence request process.

8.- ORIGINAL receipt of medical tests (it must be authorized by DGM).

9.- Insurance Policy.

10.- Documents that evidence the economic solvency of the applicant both in its country of origin, as well as the investments made in the Dominican Republic, such as, copy of property deed title, certificate of vehicle ownership in his or her name, bank letter of his or her country of origin indicating the balance.

Residence For Income Earners Of Foreign Source

This type of residence may be requested by applicants who receive a fixed monthly income of at least US$2,000.00 from a real estate investment product, investment certificates, or dividends. The main requirement for this type of application is proof of income.

General requirements:

1.- Valid Residence Visa (RS).

2.- Investment Residency Application Form.

3.- Photocopy of the applicant’s ENTIRE passport (must include all pages, including unstamped ones).

4.- Four 2”x2” photographs: two from the front and two of the applicant’s right profile.

5- ORIGINAL birth certificate, accompanied by a Spanish translation (“both the translation and the original must be apostilled”).

6.- ORIGINAL certificate of good conduct issued by the authorities of the applicant’s country of origin, accompanied by a Spanish translation. The certificate must include the applicant’s fingerprints, and “both the translation and the original must be apostilled.”

7.- ORIGINAL medical certificate stating that the applicant is in good physical and mental health, and therefore is a suitable candidate to apply for residence.

8.- ORIGINAL medical exam receipt (must be authorized by the Department of Immigration).

9.- Insurance policy.

10.- Documents that prove the applicant’s financial solvency in his or her country of origin, as well as the investments he or she has made in the Dominican Republic. These documents may include copies of property deeds, vehicle registrations in his or her name, or a letter from a bank in his or her country of origin reflecting account balances.

Foreign Retirement Residence

This type of residence is applicable to the applicants who are beneficiaries of a pension for retirement either public or private that represents minimum monthly income of US$1,500.00, the main requirement for this type of request is to present the retirement certificate and income.


General requirements:

1.- Valid Residence Visa (RS).

2.- Request of Investment Residence Form

3.- Copy of your COMPLETE passport (it must include all pages including those without any stamps).

4.- Four photographs: two front angle and two of the right profile angle, 2×2 size.

5.- ORIGINAL of the Birth Certificate, translated in Spanish, (“both the translation as the original document must be apostilled”

6.- ORIGINAL of the No Criminal Records Certificate, issued by the authority of your country duly translated to Spanish, the certificate must include the fingerprints of the applicant, “both the translation as the original document must be apostilled”.

7.- ORIGINAL of the Medical Certificate in which there is record that the applicant is in good physical and mental health. In consequence, he or she is suitable to initiate the residence request process.

residence request process.

8.- ORIGINAL receipt of medical tests (it must be authorized by DGM).

9.- Insurance Policy.

10.- Documents that evidence the economic solvency of the applicant both in its country of origin, as well as the investments made in the Dominican Republic, such as, copy of property deed title, certificate of vehicle ownership in his or her name, bank letter of his or her country of origin indicating the balance.

Investment Residence

This type of residence is applicable to applicants who desire to invest the equivalent to a minimum amount of US$200,000.00 of corporate participation, this type of residence requires a series of special requirements, being the main requirements providing evidence, as well as the approval by the board of directors of the company that receives the investment.


General requirements:

1.- Request of Investment Residence Form.

2.- Letter of the Company. (It should be registered at the Chamber of Commerce corresponding to the domicile of the corporation, notarized and sealed by the General Attorney Office of the Dominican Republic, where it specifies its status as shareholder of the company, Mercantile Registry and the last 3 financial statements.

3.- Proof certified by the corresponding Institution depending on the regime to which the investment benefits from.

4.- Copy of your COMPLETE passport (it must include all pages including those without any stamps).

5.- Valid Residence Visa (RS).

6.- ORIGINAL of the Birth Certificate duly apostilled or legalized.

7.- ORIGINAL of the No Criminal Records Certificate, issued by the authority of your country duly translated to Spanish and legalized by the nearest Dominican Consulate to your domicile in your country of origin. (CERTIFICATE THAT CONTAINS FINGERPRINTS OF THE APPLICANT).

8.- Four photographs: two front angle and two of the right profile angle, 2×2 size.

9.- Insurance Policy.

10.- Power of Attorney by means of which the company authorizes the executive that signs these letters on its behalf, with copy of his or her ID.

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